Policy Statement


Society centric youth development for an inclusive growth converging – poverty reduction; agricultural development; social sector development; protecting the environment and mitigating disparities.

Core Values:

  • The modern young adults self constantly needs to work toward a proper self- definition in a world characterized by uncertainties.
  • To undertake social development and sustainable livelihood programs / projects in collaboration with development agencies, government departments, industries and multi-lateral institutions banks government departments and institutions pursuing and furthering development.
  • To be sensitive to the emerging issues of the society related to livelihoods and undertake appropriate projects to address.
  • To faster Digital media technologies, in particular, have expanded adolescents’ range of self-expression, as well as the potential audiences for those expressions.
  • To faster the digital technology which provides the number of roles open to today’s generation.


  • Hunger
  • Malnutrition
  • Employment
  • Poor or nonexistent social security
  • Lack of proper Healthcare facility & support
  • Threat of livelihood

Elements of Inclusive Growth:

Five interrelated elements of inclusive growth.

  • Poverty Reduction and increase in quantity and quality of employment
  • Agricultural Development
  • Social sector Development
  • Reduction in regional disparities
  • Protecting the environment

Project operation Experience

  • Total Years of Experience (For all activities) :  46 Years
  • Youth Development training :  30 Years
  • Social welfare :  46 Years
  • Years of experience in other Sector :  42 Years
  • Health Sector :   30 Years
  • Skill Training Service :   28 Years
Sl. No Key Sectors of Operation SDG goals covered
01. Community Development No poverty (SDG 1)
02. Livelihood Zero hunger (SDG 2)
03. Youth Development Good health and well-being (SDG 3)
04. Integrated Tribal Development Quality education (SDG 4),
05. Women Empowerment Gender equality (SDG 5),
06. Healthcare Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6)
07. Climate Action Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8)
08. Education Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9)
09. Reduced inequalities (SDG 10)
10. Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11)
11. Climate action (SDG 13)

Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Government Partnership :   YES
  • Corporate Partnerships :   YES
  • Network with NGO’s                                                                        :   YES
  • Collaborations with Multilateral Institutions / International Agents :  YES

Our Partners

Sl.No                            National                           International
01. The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI) World Bank
03 Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT) NORAD, CAPART,
04 Karnataka State Aids Prevention Society CFTRI, FVTRS, AFPRO, HIVOS,
05 Karnataka State Rural Livelihood Mission CIDA – Canada fund,
06 Agriculture Department EZE / EED, MISEREOR,
07 Watershed Development Department South Asia Partnership India,
08 Karnataka Bio-fuel Development Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)
09 Karnataka Slum Development Board USAID through PA Government Services
10 Rural Development & Panchayat Raj Aids Health Foundation (AHF)
11 Caritas India  
12 Karnataka Community based tank rehabilitation projects under JSYS  
13 Public Affairs Centre (PAC)  


Sources of Funding     : Yes

Government                : Yes

CSR                                : Yes

Foreign Funding          : Yes

Local Funds                  : Yes


Banking Details:

Name of the Bank address     : INDIAN BANK, KORAMANGALA BRANCH, BANGALORE – 560095

Nature of Account                    :  Savings Bank

IFSC Code                                   : IDIB000N084

Local Funds                                :  A/c No. 439995713

Financial turn over for the past 3 year

2020 – 2021:     1,55,77,772

2021 -2022:     1,61,60,993

2022 -2023:     1,51,60,279

Table: Details of Training Programmes conducted by IYD on Youth Empowerment 1978-2010

Sl.No                                   Themes No.of Programs No.of Participants
01 Integrated Approach for Development 2 59
02 Basic Course on Community Work 3 91
03 Work cum Community Action 6 168
04 Consultative meet on Youth and Development 8 253
05 Social Action for Rural Community Workers 8 248
06 Approaches to Rural Development 9 263
07 Social Awareness & Leadership 13 423
08 Youth work and Sericulture 8 256
09 Personality Development and Leadership 17 537
10 Work with Community 21 672
11 Youth work 25 800
12 Rural Development and Leadership 8 240
13 Youth work and Poultry 4 125
14 Employment guideline course 3 98
15 Workshop on Statues of Voluntary Organization 9 342
16 Youth work and Sheep Rearing 8 245
17 Work cum Study Camp 12 384
18 Seminar on Social Work & Political System 2 65
19 Youth work and Animal Husbandry 6 192
20 Social Action through Cultural Programme 2 63
21 Youth work and Leadership 16 512
22 Vocational Training – 1 month 6 184
23 Communication and its methods 6 182
24 Repairs and Maintenance of Agriculture Machineries 8 243
25 Project formulation & Management of Socio economic projects 4 151
26 Workshop on Indigenous Resources 4 152
27 Social Awareness & Leadership for Women group 8 242
28 Rule of Law and the Indian Legal system 5 182
29 Leadership and Conflict Resolution for SHG 75 1350
30 Accounts & Book Keeping (Financial Management System) for CBOs 85 1480
391 10202

Programs and Initiatives:

Climate Action Skill development Education Health Others Self- Help Group
TRI-Climate Change Vocational Skill Development Saksharatha Rapid Testing Programme (RTP) TERI Drop ICICI- Micro Credit Finance
Women Development Link Workers Scheme (LWS) Water & Sanitation REWARD-SHG
RUDSET Programs Injecting Drug Users (IDU-Ti) Biofuel Development Bank Linkage Programs
Workshop & Training Mini Health Centres BEIPP Micro Credit Program
Watershed Programs BERI
Public Distribution System (PDS)

Recognition and Awards:

Sl.No. Name of the Award Award Confirmed by Year
01. SHG Bank Linkage– Valuable Associate ICICI Bank 2021 – 2022
02. SHG Bank Linkage – Valuable Associate ICICI Bank 2018 – 2019
03. Most Impactful NGO – Youth Youth for SEVA 2019
04. Services to Humanity DAPCU – Mandya 2020 – 2021
05. Services to Humanity DAPCU – Kolar 2020 – 2021
06. Programme implementation & Participation Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society 2021

Board of Trustees:

Sl No. Name Educational qualification & experience Occupation
1 Dr. L.S. Ghandi Doss M.A. in Social Work (TISS) Ph.D. in Social Work Retired Professor of Social Work
2 Mrs. Radha Pandiarajan M.Sc. in Mathematics Rtd. Lecturer in Mathematics
3 Dr. K. Sekar M.A. in Social Work,Ph.D. in Psychiatric & Social work Rtd. Professor & HOD of Psychiatric Social Work, NIMHANS,Bangalore
4 Dr. Eliza Pereira M S W., Ph.D. in Social Work Rtd.Social Welfare Officer,St. Johns Hospital
5 Ms. Vidya Ramachandran M. Phil in Psychiatric Social work Social Worker
6 Dr. K Ashoka Reddy M.Sc., Ph.D. Scientist Rtd.Scientist
7 Mr. Shivakumar Mahalingam Srinivas M.Sc. In Land Housing and Urban Planning Technical Advisor

Core Staff:

Sl.No. Name Qualification No. of years with the     organization
1 Mr. Lokesha

Co-ordinator Finance and Project Assistant

B Com 42 Years
2 Mr. H S Venkatesh

Project Officer- Chaithanya Human Resources

B A 38 Years
3. Dr. M. Karikolraj

Project Coordinator Tamilnadu

4. Ms. Durga.A


B.com 2 Years 08 Months
5 Mr. Vijay

Accounts Assistant

B.A 1 Year
6 Mr. P R Venkateshappa

Office Support & Micro Credit Finance

B A 17 Years
7 Mr. Girish –

Office Support & Micro Credit Finance

ITI 7 Years
8 Mr. Vinod Kumar


Project Core Staff:

  • Injecting Drug Users (IDU-Ti) Kolar:

Injecting Drug Users Targeted Intervention / We Care (IDU-TI) programme in Kolar district. This is an ongoing project from 2011.

  • Gnana Selvi Kumari – Project Manager
  • Laxmi – Counsellor
  • Mahesh Kumar H.A- M&E cum Accountant
  • Chandrappa – Out Reach Worker
  • G. Parveen – Out Reach Worker
  • Gajendra.P – Out Reach Worker
  • Peer Educators – 17 nos.
  • Link Workers Scheme (LWS) Mandya:

Link Workers Scheme in Mandya district supported by KSAPS. This is an ongoing continuing project since 2017.

  • Shiva Kumar – District Coordinator – District Resource Person
  • Kavya Shree – M & E cum Accountant
  • D.P – Zonal Supervisor
  • N – Zonal Supervisor
  • Link Workers – 20 Nos
  • ICICI- Micro Credit Finance:

Micro finance support to self-help groups with the credit support under bank linkage development from ICICI Bank since 2015. In Bangalore Urban and Bangalore Rural of Chikkaballapura, Doddaballapura, Tumkur, Pavagada

  1. Doddaballapura:
  • Shantharaju – Field Coordinator
  • Shashikala – Field Coordinator
  • Jalajakshi – Field Coordinator
  1. Pavagada:
  • Nagappa – Field Coordinator
  • Ananda Reddy – Field Coordinator
  • Sathisha – Field Coordinator

World Bank aided Rejuvenating Watersheds for Agricultural Resilience through Innovation Development (REWARD) – Dharwad. IYD is working in Shirur sub Watershed of Kundgol Taluk, Dharwad Dist., wef 08th July 2023. Covering area of 6,446 hectares. in 10 villages of 06 panchayaths.

  • Basavaraj A Jambigi – Team Leader
  • Devendrappa Bilebhavi – Manager / Training Expert
  • Shivanagouda Patil– Accountant cum M&E
  • Mahatenshappa D Chabbi – Assistant
  • Malleshappa Malligawad – Assistant
  • Manikant G Kalaghtagi – Assistant
  • Manjunath B Mayannavar – Assistant
  • Gurunath S Naikar – Assistant
  • Parashuram Dollin

Personnel Policy

  • Anti-bribery policy
  • Child Protection Policy (POSCO)
  • Prevention of sexual Harassment( POSH)
  • Emergency Policy
  • Whistle blower policy
  • Finance & Accounting Policy
  • Fundraising policy
  • Human resource policy

Anti-Fraud Policy

  1. Purpose

The purpose of this Anti-Fraud Policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for preventing, detecting, and addressing fraudulent activities within IYD. This policy aims to protect the organization’s assets, reputation, and the interests of its stakeholders. (See annexure)

  1. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, contractors, and any other individuals associated with IYD. It covers all activities, operations, and transactions carried out by the organization.

  1. Definitions
  1. Fraud

Fraud is defined as any intentional act or omission carried out to deceive or manipulate for financial gain, causing a loss to IYD.

  1. Types of Fraud

Embezzlement: Misappropriation or theft of funds or assets.

Forgery: Falsification of documents or signatures.

Misrepresentation: Providing false information to obtain benefits or deceive stakeholders. Corruption: Bribery, kickbacks, or any form of unethical influence.

Purpose of Anti-Fraud Policy:

Protecting Resources:

One of the primary purposes of an anti-fraud policy is to safeguard the financial and non-financial resources of the NGO. This includes funds, assets, and intellectual property.

Ensuring Accountability:

The policy aims to establish clear lines of responsibility and accountability within the organization. This includes defining roles and responsibilities for employees, volunteers, and other stakeholders.

Building Trust:

Trust is vital for an NGO’s success. An anti-fraud policy demonstrates the organization’s commitment to ethical conduct and responsible stewardship, fostering trust among donors, partners, and the community.

Compliance with Regulations:

NGOs often operate within a complex legal and regulatory environment. An anti-fraud policy helps ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, protecting the organization from legal consequences.

Preserving Reputation:

Fraud can severely damage an NGO’s reputation. A well-implemented anti-fraud policy serves as a proactive measure to mitigate risks and maintain a positive public image.

Child Protection Policy

IYD Subscribed to CPC in condolence with UN Charter and Govt of India Charters. Namely the National Policy for Children, 2013.

This will be applicable in the project area wherever as and when we work with a children. (See Annexure)

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children (UNCRC) enumerates the rights of children as:

  1. Right to Survival – to life, health, nutrition, name, nationality,
  2. Right to Development – to education, care, leisure, recreation, cultural activities,
  • Right to Protection – from exploitation, abuse, neglect and
  1. Right to Participation – to expression, information, thought, religion.

POSH Policy

A POSH Policy is a document used to make awareness among the employees and other personnel of an organization about the POSH Act, 2013 (The Sexual Harassment of Woman at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013). The purpose of this policy is to provide a safe, secure and enabling environment, free from sexual harassment to every woman. (See Annexure)

Having a POSH policy for a business is essential in making sure the employees are adhering to the POSH rules and to ensure that the employees are treated with dignity and respect by other employees of the organization.

Any organization with more than 10 employees shall have constituted an internal complaints committee (“ICC”) to deal with sexual harassment complaints at the workplace.

Emergency Policy:


The purpose of this emergency policy is to establish the guidelines and procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency situation at our NGO organization. The policy aims to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff, volunteers, clients, and any other individuals present at our organization during emergencies. (See Annexure)


For the purposes of this policy, an emergency is defined as any unforeseen event or situation that poses an immediate risk to the health, safety, or security of individuals at our organization, our facilities, or our operations. Emergencies may include but are not limited to natural disasters, fires, medical emergencies, security threats, or any other incident that requires an immediate response.

Visaka Policy:

Policy on Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment at Work place, The Parliament of India passed the “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act,” 2013. The ACT provides protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for the matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. (See Annexure)

Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Policy:

Diversity and Inclusion Statement at IYD a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace is one where all employees and volunteers, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability, feels valued and respected. We are committed to a non-discriminatory approach and provide equal opportunity for employment and advancement in all of our departments, programs, and worksites. We respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages and ensure that all voices are valued and heard. (See Annexure)

Policy on Finance and Accounting of IYD:

The whole policy is built on the following four pillars and supported by the fifth pillar as foundation. (See Annexure)

  1. A sound policy
  2. Practices aligned to the policy
  3. Periodical monitoring of implementation of the policy
  4. Periodical review and ushering in changes in keeping with the dynamics of eco- system
  5. Integrity

For the purpose of ease of reference, the policy is divided into three chapters and they are,

  1. Generic principles, guidelines and rules
  2. Financial policy
  3. Accounting policy

Funding Policy

Funding Sources, Allocation, and Reporting

Funding Sources:

IYD seeks funding from a variety of sources, including but not limited to:

  • Government grants and contracts
  • Private Foundations
  • Corporate sponsorships and partnerships
  • Individual donors and fundraising campaigns
  • Earned income through programs and services

Allocation and Prioritization:

Funds are allocated based on the following principles:

  • Alignment with Mission: Priority is given to initiatives that directly contribute to the organization’s mission and strategic goals.
  • Impact: Projects with the potential for significant and measurable impact receive priority in resource allocation.
  • Financial Sustainability: IYD considers the long-term financial sustainability of projects, aiming to balance short-term needs with long term impact.


IYD is committed to transparently communicating its financial status and the impact of its programs. Regular reports are provided to donors, stakeholders, and the public, detailing:

  • Financial statements, including income and expenses
  • Progress toward achieving program goals
  • How funds are utilized and their impact. (See Annexure)