Injecting Drug Users Program
Project Name :
Injecting Drug User (IDU)-Targeted Interevent
ion (‘WE CARE’ Program)
Sponsored by: Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society (KSAPS) under NACO fund

Project area and Duration:
- Kolar TI – Kolar Town – June 2011 to till date
- Lakkasandra TI – Bangalore City – June 2011 to 2017 (completed)
- R. Market TI – Bangalore City April 2012 to April 2018(Completed)

The main focuses of this project are to prevent the further spread of HIV through active preventive interventions, especially among the more vulnerable sectors of population i.e., injecting drug users. IYD named and recognized Injecting Drug Users project as ‘We Care’, The overall brand name for the program is the ‘WE CARE’ Program. Branding to reach and recall, and to ensure that messaging is memorable, taking into account the cognitive issues of the target group. Injection drug users (IDUs) are generally a mobile group who engage in risky behavior not only in their local areas but also outside areas.

The IYD has established three Drop In Centers (DIC), one each in Lakkasandra & Chamara pet in Bangalore City and other in Kolar Town to provide the services of IDUs. The drop-in center caters to individuals at highest risk of HIV and those who have the least access to resources. The services started though Peer Educators.
- IEC – continued education through leaflets and pamphlets on HIV, HCV, STIs.
- Sharing and caring – access to other IDUs and PEs for sharing information and seeking mutual support.
- Psychosocial support – access to a counsellor who is available to address issues on behavioral change related to high-risk behavior and drug use.
- Wound and abscess management – diagnosis, treatment and management of abscesses by a doctor and nurse.
- IDUs can exchange their used needles for clean new ones. Additionally, other activities necessary for IDUs are also conducted in the DIC. The DIC provides psychosocial support, a space for rest and recreation as well as access to other IDUs and Peer Educators (PEs) for caring through mutual sharing of experiences, etc. In select cases, where the DIC meets the criteria outlined by NACO and is accredited, the DIC can also offer OST to its clients.
- STI treatment – syndromic treatment of sexually transmitted infections as per established guidelines
- Condom distribution – access to free condoms.
- Referrals to ICTC, DOTS.
- Waste disposal systems.
Structural Interventions:
- Basic advocacy
- Community mobilization
C. Linkages provided through the TI:
These services are not provided by the TI, but rather by other departments (e.g. MSJE, ICTC)
Linkages with other HIV services:
- TB referrals to DOTS
- ICTC linkages (VCTC, PPTCT)
- ART linkages and Hepatitis C management
- OI management
- Existing support groups (NGOs/CBOs)
- Community mobilization
Linkages with other key health services provided:
- Drug treatment (de-addiction and rehabilitation through MSJE)
- Reproductive health services for drug using women and women who have male injecting partners.
- Psychosocial support and counseling
- Linkages with other departments
- Vocational training/income generation efforts
- Social and legal support services
- Access to other government department services (e.g. BPL, nutritional supplements)